What is taiko?
Taiko (太鼓, lit. “big drum”) is an ancient form of traditional Japanese drumming that has been involved in various aspects of Japanese culture and history over many centuries. It has functioned as a form of communication in the military, is played during religious ceremonies, rituals and local festivals, and has been incorporated into traditional Japanese theater (Noh and Kabuki).
More recently, “taiko” has become synonymous with an ensemble style of performance called kumi-daiko (組太鼓, lit. "set of drums"). Popularized by groups like Ondekoza and Kodo, these performances merge festival traditions with modern influences, contributing to an ever evolving art form that has been growing in prominence.

Let’s work together
We’re always looking for new opportunities to share taiko with our community! Reach out to find out more information about how we can bring taiko to your next event.